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Her Elevated

Her Elevated

You know those places and spaces, the ones that, when you enter, you simply feel -




That's the vibe at Her Elevated.

This space was a place I found when I first moved to Sacramento.

Having traveled across the country to the opposite coast, not really knowing a single soul when I arrived, I shyly ventured into that space thinking, "AAAHHHHHHHHHH*freakout*"
and left feeling "aaaaahhhhh."

Like I had found home.

Katie, the owner of Her Elevated, has created a space where not only will you feel welcomed, you are made to feel as if you truly belong there.

And that ripples outward, from the positive feel good energy Katie brings to her space, to the encouraging growth energy that her gorgeous collection of plants bring, to each person that exists in that space: every one of them embodies that elevated energy.

And that's key when you're looking for a place to workout, which can be a super vulnerable experience for many.
Katie brings a no-pressure, no drama attitude to the arena of working out.
As do all of the other amazing instructors that host classes there.

They want you there, and so do all of attendees. They are all rooting for you to thrive, to elevate!

Maybe you're looking for a space to rent for a business or personal event?
If you want your clients and guests to feel welcomed and loved, well then,
Her Elevated is the place for you.

It's super pretty too!

Below are a collection of images the studio created for Katie and Her Elevated, to show off the beautiful interior space, as well as the beautiful soul who owns that space.

Oh and FYI: Katie is a big believer in no filters and just a tiny bit of retouching (we removed anything that would naturally heal or fade).

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